
Kennel Supassion´s © 2015 •Jane Johansen

Neck :


Thick and powerful.


Disqualifying Faults :


* Aggressive or overly shy dogs.


* Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.


* Extremely overshot or undershot bite.


* Ears not pricked.


*Hanging tail, short tail.

Kennel Supassion´s


                                                     Owner of the first Shikou in Scandinavia

Shikoku Standard

Origin: Japan

Utilization :

Hunting dog, companion.



Classification :

FCI, Group 5 (Spitz and primitive type).

Sektion 5 (Asian Spitz and related breeds).

Without working trial.



Brief Historical Summary :

This breed goes back to medium-sized dogs existed in Japan in acient times. The Shikoku was bred as a hunting dog, mainly for hunting boar in the mountainous districs of Kochi Prefecture.It is sometimes called "Kochi-Ken" (Ken = Dog). There were three varieties of this breed - Awa, Hongawa and Hata - all named after the area where they where bred. Among them, the Hongawa maintained the higest degree of purity, because the breeding area was not easily accessible from anywhere.

These dogs are tough and sufficiently agile to run through a mountainous region. They are characterized by their sesame coloured coats. The breed took on the name of the region and was designated as a "Natural Monument" in 1937.



General Appearance :

A medium-size dog with well balanced and well developed clean cut muscles. It has pricked ears and a curled or sickle tail. Conformation: Strong, well-boned and compact.



Important Proportion :

The ratio of height at withers to length of body is 10:11.



Behaviour / Temperament :

A dog marked endurance, keen in sense with a naive feeling, energetic and highly alert, an enthusiastic hunter, docile towards his master.

Head :


Cranial Region:


Skull : Forehead broad


Stop : Shallow, but defined



Facial Region:


Noise : Black


Muzzle : Rather long, wedge-shaped. Nasal bridge straight.


Lips : Tight


Jaws/Teeth : Teeth strong, with a scissor bite


Cheeks : Well developed


Eyes : Relatively small, triangular, set well apart, dark brown in color.


Ears : Small, triangular, slightly inclining forward and firmly pricked

Body :


Withers : High, well developed


Back : Straight and strong


Loins : Broad and muscular


Chest : Deep, ribs well sprung


Belly : Well tucked up



Tail :


Set on high, thick and carried over the back vigorously curled or curved like a sickle. The tip nearly reaches the hocks when let down.

Limbs :


Forequarters :


Shoulder : Moderately sloping with developed muscles.


Elbows : Set close to the body


Forearms : Straight and clean cut.


Pasterns : Slightly inclining.





Powerful, with muscles well developed.





Moderately angulated and very tough.





Tightly closed with well arched toes. Pads hard and elastic. Nails hard and black or dark in colour.

Gait / Movement :


Resilient, with rahter narrow strides, but light. Action is quick and turning is possible.


Coat :


Hair : Outer coat rahter harsh and straight, undercoat soft and dense. The hair on the tail is rather long.


Colour : Sesame, black sesame and red sesame



Definition of the colour sesame:


Sesame : Equal mixture of white and black hairs


Black Sesame : More black than white hairs


Red Sesame : Ground colour of hair red, mixture with black hairs.

Size :


Height at withers:


Dogs : 52 cm


Bitches : 46 cm


There is a tolerance of +/- 3 cm. .

Faults :


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be en exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the Health and welfare of the dog.


* Bitchy dogs/doggy bitches.

* Slightly overshot or undershot mouth.

* Long hair.

* Shyness.



* Male animals should have 2 apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


* Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical comformation should be used for breeding.